Open doors you have only imagined.
As a PADI Professional, you do things others only dream of.
Whether you work in a local dive center, at a resort, or on a live aboard dive boat, the adventure of a lifetime is yours
for the taking.
Imagine a job where you actually look forward to heading off to work in the morning. Lead a life others fantasize about.
Sailing into incredible sunsets could be the rule, not the exception, especially if you work in a tropical dive
destination. The commute to work could be as easy as a ten-minute boat ride. Work now becomes an adventure in itself.
While experiencing new cultures and lifestyles, you'll be surrounded by people who are always happy. When you take
people diving all day - everyone's happy. It's not all fun and games in paradise, but the rewards are well worth the
If you set your sights close to home and aspire to work at a local dive center, you teach people how to dive and guide
trips to exotic dive destinations. There's a sense of pride sharing something you are passionate about. You help others
enrich their own lives by experiencing the adventure of diving.
PADI Professional Route
Divemaster => Assistant Instructor => Open Water Instructor => Master Scuba Diver trainer => IDC Staff
Instructor => Master Instructor => Course Director